It's been more than a month since I was able to post anything new here (blame the lack of a lappy and a new job for that), and in that time, I saw 3 movies that I was supposed to write about. The first was Hunger Games, but writing about it seemed moot now since I think everyone has already seen it. The next one was a home viewing of One More Chance (yes i know) as requested by Giulz. I really don't wanna start writing about it after a long lull and end up writing something non-sensical or disorganized. So I decided to first get back into the game by writing about the latest film I saw- Titanic in 3D.
Yes, even more than Hunger Games, Titanic may be that one movie that EVERYONE (of legal age) has seen and there really no point in writing about it with the purpose of convincing people to see (or not see) it. I actually had no intention of watching it since I have seen it numerous times as well, but Giulz really wanted to watch, and I'm actually glad that we did.